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The molality is 5,54.

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Q: What are the molality and mole fraction of solute in a 25.5 percent by mass aqueous solution of formic acid (HCOOH)?
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What are the molality and mole fraction of solute in a 30.1 percent by mass aqueous solution of formic acid (HCOOH)?

30.1 percent by mass = 30.1 g HCOOH + 69.9 g H2Omoles HCOOH = 30.1 g x 1 mol/46 g = 0.654 molesmoles H2O = 69.9 g x 1 mol/18 g = 3.88 molesTotal moles = 4.53mole fraction HCOOH = 0.654/4.53 = 0.144mole fraction H2O = 3.88/4.53 = 0.856molality = moles solute/kg solvent = 0.654/0.0699 = 9.36 m

What is Percent Concentration?

Percent concentration is a way to express the amount of a substance present in a solution as a percentage of the total solution. It is calculated by dividing the amount of the solute by the total amount of the solution and multiplying by 100. Percent concentration is commonly used in chemistry to describe the strength of a solution.

The molecular weight of NaCl determined by studing freezing point depression of its 0.5 percent aqueous solution is 30. What the apparent degree of dissociation of NaCl is?

The apparent degree of dissociation of NaCl can be calculated using the formula: i = 1 + (ΔTf)/(Kf * m), where i is the van't Hoff factor, ΔTf is the freezing point depression, Kf is the cryoscopic constant, and m is the molality of the solution. Given the information, assuming Kf for water is 1.86 °C kg/mol and the molality is 0.5 mol/kg, you can calculate the van't Hoff factor to determine the apparent degree of dissociation.

What is the consentration of a solution?

The concentration of a solution refers to the amount of solute present in a given amount of solvent or solution. It can be expressed in various units such as molarity, molality, mass percent, or volume percent, depending on the context. Concentration is important in determining the properties and behavior of a solution.

How much solvent must you add to 1 ml of a 50 percent solution to make a 10 percent solution?

To make a 10 percent solution, you would need to dilute the 50 percent solution by adding 4 ml of solvent to 1 ml of the 50 percent solution. This will result in a total volume of 5 ml with a 10 percent concentration.

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How do you find the mass percent mole fraction molality and molarity of a solution?

Mass percent = grams of solute/total grams of solution Mole fraction = mols component/total mols mix. Molarity = mols solute/L solution Molality = mols solute/kg solvent Hope this helps :)

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First, calculate the volume percentages of ethanol and water in the solution. Since we know the density of both solvents, convert the percentages to mass (using density and volume). Then calculate the mole fraction of ethanol by dividing the moles of ethanol by the total moles of all components in the solution. Finally, calculate molality using the moles of solute (ethanol) and the mass of the solvent (water).

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The mole fraction of HCl in a 20% aqueous solution can be calculated by converting the percentage to a molarity concentration. Assuming the density of the solution is 1 g/mL, a 20% solution means 20g of HCl in 100g of solution. If the molar mass of HCl is 36.5 g/mol, we can calculate the molarity and then use it to find the mole fraction of HCl in the solution.

What are the molality and mole fraction of solute in a 30.1 percent by mass aqueous solution of formic acid (HCOOH)?

30.1 percent by mass = 30.1 g HCOOH + 69.9 g H2Omoles HCOOH = 30.1 g x 1 mol/46 g = 0.654 molesmoles H2O = 69.9 g x 1 mol/18 g = 3.88 molesTotal moles = 4.53mole fraction HCOOH = 0.654/4.53 = 0.144mole fraction H2O = 3.88/4.53 = 0.856molality = moles solute/kg solvent = 0.654/0.0699 = 9.36 m

Five quantitative ways to describe the composition of solutions?

Molarity: the concentration of a solution in moles of solute per liter of solution. Molality: the concentration of a solution in moles of solute per kilogram of solvent. Mass percent: the percentage of the total mass of a solution that is contributed by the solute. Volume percent: the percentage of the total volume of a solution that is contributed by the solute. Parts per million (ppm): the concentration of a solution in parts per million by weight.

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To find the mole fraction of HCl in the solution, we first need to calculate the molar mass of HCl (H=1g/mol, Cl=35.5g/mol). Then, determine the number of moles of HCl in 100g of the solution. Finally, calculate the mole fraction of HCl by dividing the moles of HCl by the total moles of solute and solvent in the solution.

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To find the molality of a solution, you need the mass of the solvent (usually water) in kilograms and the number of moles of solute (glucose). Given that the solution is 7.80% glucose by weight, you can calculate the mass of glucose in the solution and then convert it to moles using the molar mass of glucose. From there, you can find the molality by dividing the moles of glucose by the mass of the solvent in kilograms.

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Formalin is a 37-40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde, not an acid. It is mainly used as a disinfectant and preservative due to its antimicrobial properties.

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percent concentration = (mass of solute/volume of solution) X 100 To solve for mass of solute, mass of solute = (percent concentration X volume of solution)/100 So, mass of solute = (10% X 100mL)/100 = 10g

What amount of solid Naoh must be added to 750g of an aqueous solution to make 2.5 percent naoh solution by mass?

You would need to add 18.75g of solid NaOH to the 750g of aqueous solution to obtain a 2.5% NaOH solution by mass.

An aqueous solution of glycerol C3H8O3 is 48.0 percent glycerol by mass and has a density of 1.120 g mL-1. Calculate the molality of the glycerol solution?

First, calculate the mass of glycerol in 100g of the solution: 48.0g glycerol/100g solution = 48.0%. Next, calculate the mass of water in 100g of the solution: (100g - 48.0g glycerol) = 52.0g of water. Calculate the moles of glycerol by dividing the mass of glycerol by its molar mass: 48.0g / 92.09g/mol = 0.521 mol. Calculate the molality by dividing the moles of solute by the mass of solvent in kg: 0.521 mol / 0.052 kg = 10 mol/kg.

The concentration of a solution is the measurement of the amount of?

The concentration of a solution is a measure of the amount of solute dissolved in an amount of solution. It can be expressed in many ways, with the most common way being mols solute/L of solution. Molality is another way to measure concentration; molality is mols solute/kg solvent.