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Q: What did Copernicus use to prove the movement of the earth?
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Did Nicolas Copernicus use a telescope to prove his theory?

Nicolas Copernicus did not use a telescope, the use of the telescope to study the solar system was not done until over 50 years later by Galileo.

Why didn't Copernicus use a telescope to prove his theories?

Because he didn't invent the Telescope so he saw it from his naked eye

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How did Copernicus use the idea of bodies tending toward different centers to support his theory?

The ideaitself tend toward the "heaviest" center was basis of the geocentric system. Copernicus argued that movement was basis of that system is only perceived, not real and used examples to predict the movement of planets to support his own theory

Did nicolaus Copernicus invent the globe?

No, globes as both celestial and terrestrial maps had been in use for centuries before Copernicus. Copernicus first presented the heliocentric model of the solar system, with the sun in the centre. However the earth and the heavenly bodies as globes, was a concept invented long before him.

Who later confirmed Copernicus' ideas about the Earth moving around the sun?

Nicholas Copernicus 1473-1543 was a Polish priest and astronomer who created an alternative model of the planets which put the Sun at the centre, instead of the Earth as generally accepted at that time.Kepler's model is the one we use today, and it has the Sun at the centre, like the Copernican model, but all the other details of Copernicus's theory were rejected in favour of elliptical orbits.

How far could Nickolas Copernicus' telescope see?

Copernicus did not use a telescope in his astronomical work.

What force does use to the movement of the solid parts of the earth?

In science ,Geology

How do you use Copernicus in a sentence?

You have just done that. You could also say "Nicholas Copernicus liked pizza".

What is Nicolas Copernicus' middle name?

Copernicus did not have a traditional middle name like we use today. His full name was Nicolaus Copernicus or Mikolaj Kopernik in Polish.

How far did Nickolas Copernicus' telescope go?

Copernicus did not use a telescope in his astronomical work, and probably never owned one.

What discoveries of Galileo's helped confirm the views of Copernicus?

Galileo's observations through his telescope, such as the phases of Venus and the moons of Jupiter, provided evidence for the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus. These discoveries supported the idea that Earth was not the center of the universe and that there were other celestial bodies orbiting around the Sun.