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A line parallel to the horizontal (time) axis usually indicates that the radial velocity of the object is zero, that is, the object is not moving towards or away from the origin. The object need not be still since it can be moving at any speed in a transverse direction.

Two parallel lines indicate two objects, at different distances from the origin, gthat are moving at the same radial speed.

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12y ago

As a helix of semi-precious stones. (With apologies to Samuel R. Delany.)

I can't figure out what you're trying to ask here. We can't tell what the graph shows without seeing the graph.

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14y ago

For, slope parallel to x-axis--------distance-time graph represents that velocity is constant and acceleration is zero.But for y-axis I don't know sorry.

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Q: What does a parallel line mean in position vs time graph?
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What would a horizontal line position time graph mean?

A horizontal line on a position-time graph would indicate that the object is stationary and not changing its position over time.

What does an downward sloping diagonal line mean in position vs time graph?

An downward sloping diagonal line on a position vs. time graph indicates constant negative acceleration or deceleration. This means that the object is moving in the negative direction and slowing down over time.

What does an upward sloping diagonal line mean in position vs time graph?

It means that either the distance is measured from the starting-line and the object is moving forward, or else the distance is measured from the finish-line and the object is moving backwards, because the distance is growing as time goes on. If the upward sloping diagonal line is straight, it means the speed is constant. (not velocity)

Does a horizontal line on a velocity vs time graph mean an object has stopped?

Not necessarily. If the horizontal line is laying on top of the x-axis, then the speed is zero at any time, and the object isn't moving. But if the horizontal line is parallel to the x-axis, then the object is moving with constant speed.

How Can you tell from a velocity-time graph that the velocity is constant?

velocity is nothing but speed of a body in the given direction. suppose if body is moving with constant velocity then VT graph will be parallel to the X -axis, if not then the VT graph is not parallel to the X-axis it means then object is moving with different velocity or it has its dierection or both velocity and aswell as direction.

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If you mean: y = 3x+2 then the parallel line will be y = 3x-3

What would a horizontal line position time graph mean?

A horizontal line on a position-time graph would indicate that the object is stationary and not changing its position over time.

Why is it not possible for any part of the distance-time graph of a body to be a straight-line segment parallel to the distance axis?

BecAuse that would mean it is going an infinite speed. The slope of a distance time graph is the objects velocity or speed. If there is a line parallel to the distance axis, there is a vertical line. The slope of a vertical line is infinite. It is not possible to go an infinite speed.

In a position vs time graph what does it mean if the position is a negative number?

If acceleration is negative the graph looks like a upside U and decreases in value as time continues If acceleration is constant the graph is a straight line (linear) at 0 or whatever the velocity is

What is data point on graph mean?

line graph

What is the need of parallel line algorithm?

Do you mean "Why might a parallel line algorithm be needed?" or "What properties does a parallel line algorithm need to have?".

What does a mode mean on a line graph?

it means what you see the most on the graph

What is the name of a line on a graph?

you mean line of best fit?

What equation is whose graph is parallel to the graph of y0.5x-10?

If you mean: y = 0.5x-10 then an equation parallel to it will have the same slope of 0.5 but a y intercept different to -10

What does position time graph mean in science?


Is it possible to actually move your body (or an object) to make the verticle lines on a position-time graph?

No. A vertical line on a position-time graph would mean that an object moved a given distance in zero time, in other word that it traveled infinitely fast.

What does it mean when a line graph is a horizontal line?

It means that the function is constant.