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The product would be VA.

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1mo ago

5 volts times 2.4 amps equals 12 watts.

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Q: What is 5 volts times 2.4 amps?
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What is the wattage of 115 volts and 5 amps?

Ohms law will tell you watts equals volts times amps: 115 x 5 = 575

Can 12 - 24 v 3 amps charger be used to power gps device requiring 5 v 2 amps input?

Only if you step the 12 - 24 volts down to 5 volts somehow.

How many watts is five volts?

It depends on the current in amps. The watts would be equal to 5 times the current, because watts equals amps times volts.

How many amps DC is 12 volts 1.5 amps at 5 volts?

To calculate the amperage at 12 volts based on 1.5 amps at 5 volts, you can use the formula P=IV (Power = Current x Voltage). First, find the power at 5 volts (P=1.5A * 5V = 7.5 watts). Then, using P=IV at 12 volts, solve for current (7.5W = I * 12V => I = 0.625A). So, at 12 volts, 1.5 amps at 5 volts translates to approximately 0.625 amps.

How many watts of power are used by a heater operating at 460 volts and drawing 5 amps?

The power used by the heater can be calculated using the formula: Power = Voltage x Current. In this case, the power would be 460 volts x 5 amps = 2300 watts.

5.0 amps watts?

To find the power in watts, multiply the current (5.0 amps) by the voltage (which is needed to provide the full power calculation). Without voltage information, we can't determine the power in watts solely from current (amps).

What is the capacity of 1.5kva?

a 1.5 kVa source of electrical power has the capacity to supply 100 volts at 15 amps, 300 volts at 5 amps, or 1000 volts at 1.5 amps.

If 13.6 volts is how many amperge?

It depends on how many Amps (current) are applied to the voltage. Watt = Volts x Amps. e.g. 12 volts @ 5 amps = 60 watts

How many volts in a watt?

It depends on how many Amps (current) are applied to the voltage. Watt = Volts x Amps. e.g. 12 volts @ 5 amps = 60 watts

How much can 5 amps power?

1 watt = 1 amp * 1 volt So.... In a house: 5 amps * 115 volts = 575 watts In a car: 5 amps * 12 volts = 60 watts

Can 2 amps at 5 volts kill you?


How many watts are used by 5 amps running on 10 volts?

Power (in watts) is calculated by multiplying the voltage with the current. In this case, 5 amps running on 10 volts would use 50 watts of power.