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The thermal Peclet number (Pet) is a measure of the relative importance of advective to conductive heat transport .

Pet = (vl)/k

where 'v' is the velocity at which the material is moving, 'l' a length scale and 'k' (kappa) the thermal diffusivity.

In simpler words,

Pet >>1 implies : advection dominates

Pet <<1 implies : conduction dominates.

[thermal diffusivity : can be thought of thermal inertia, a higher value means rapid movement/flow of heat through substance relative to its volumetric heat capacity or 'thermal bulk' is possible, therefore, when k is large, conduction dominates ]

[advection : transportation of some qty via bulk flow of a fluid medium]

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4mo ago

The Peclet number is a dimensionless parameter used in fluid dynamics to characterize the relative importance of advection and diffusion in a system. It is calculated by dividing the rate of advection by the rate of diffusion. A high Peclet number indicates that advection dominates, while a low Peclet number indicates that diffusion dominates.

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In simple terms: The strength (or influence) of the magnet at the point measured.

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