Delta means "change in"
For example: Delta T means "change in temperature". To calculate this it would be (final temperature) - (initial temperature)
In equations involving velocity, the triangle symbol typically represents the Greek letter "delta," which signifies a change in the given quantity. So, when you see the triangle symbol in a velocity equation, it usually denotes a change in velocity or acceleration.
Delta G (written triangle G) = Delta H -T Delta S
A delta is a triangle-shaped island at the mouth of a river that is formed from river sediments. Deltas are typically fertile areas due to the accumulation of nutrient-rich soil deposited by the river.
It is called a delta.
"Delta" - the uppercase Greek letter delta, which looks like a triangle - is often used in the sense of "difference". You are simply supposed to calculate the difference between two different values of "v" (where "v" might stand for the velocity).
The Greek letter Delta is written as a triangle.
a delta's a triangle, so the area of a triangle is bh/2
DElta means "Change" delta can be represented by a triangle
it is called a delta
The word delta means triangle, but it can also refer to the Greek letter Delta.
The Nile River Delta. It's called that because of its resemblace to the Greek letter delta and the letter looks like a triangle.
A Delta