388 kph is approximately 241 mph. This speed is faster than most cars and is typically seen in high-speed trains or planes.
146.66 feet every 10 seconds at 10 mph.
To travel 500 feet at 40 mph, it would take about 6 seconds. This is calculated by converting 40 mph to feet per second (40 mph = 58.67 fps) and dividing 500 feet by the speed in feet per second.
1,200 meters in 6 minutes 24 seconds converts to 7 mph
In 2 seconds at 30 mph (44 ft/s), the distance travelled would be 88 feet. This is calculated by multiplying the speed in feet per second (44 ft/s) by the time in seconds (2 seconds).
388 kph is approximately 241 mph. This speed is faster than most cars and is typically seen in high-speed trains or planes.
388 hours is approximately 16.1666 days.
388,800 seconds is equal to 4 and a half days.
Time = Distance/Speed = 388 miles/65 mph = 5.97 hours.
7 hours 3 minutes.
1000 meters in 60.6 seconds = 36.91 mph
13.5 mph
100 meters per 15.00 seconds = 14.91 mph
MPH = miles per hour. In order to calculate hours from seconds, you just need to know that there are 3,600 seconds in an hour.
146.66 feet every 10 seconds at 10 mph.
7.62 metres.