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The probability of at least 2 people in a group of npeople sharing a common birthday can be expressed more easily (mathematically) as 1 minus the probability that nobody in the group shares a birthday. Consider two people. The probability that they don't have a common birthday is 365/365 x 364/365. So the probability that they do share a birthday is 1-(365/365 x 364/365) = 1-365x364/3652 Now consider 3 people. The probability that at least 2 share a common birthday is 1-365x364x363/3653 And so on so that the probability that at least 2 people in a group of n people having the same birthday = 1-(365x363x363x...x365-n+1)/365n = 1-365!/[ (365-n)! x 365n ]

In the case of 12 people this equates to 0.16702 (or 16.7%).

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1mo ago

The probability of at least 2 people sharing a birthday in a group of 12 is approximately 0.891. This is calculated using the complement rule, finding the probability that no one shares a birthday and subtracting it from 1. The result indicates that it is highly likely for at least 2 people to share a birthday in a group of 12.

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