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The 3 forces (in N) are

F1: 22.6i + 12.2j

F2: 41.5cos(191)i + 41.5sin(191)j

F3: 6.7i - 15.3j

F2 = -40.74i - 7.92j


R = -11.44i - 11.02j Newtons

Mag R = sqrt[(-11.44)2 + (-11.02)2] = 15.88

Tan(x) = 0.928 so that x = 0.75 radians = 42.86 degrees.

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Q: What is the resultant vector magnitude and direction of Alans three forces when added F1 22.6 Ni plus 12.2 Nj F2 41.5 N at angle 191 degrees F3 equals 6.7 N i - 15.3 N j?
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