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'v' generally refers to final velocity 'u' generally refers to initial velocity (because not everything starts from a motionless state, where 'u' would equal zero) It is better to annotate initial velocity as v0 (v-sub-zero or simply v-zero).

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The velocity in the x-direction (u velocity) is not affected by the acceleration in the y-direction (v velocity) in the absence of any common forces linking the two directions. Each velocity component behaves independently unless there are interactions or constraints between them.

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Q: What is u velocity when v velocity is acceleration?
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How do I rearrange the acceleration formula to solve it for initial velocity?

Where a = (v-u)/t a is acceleration, v is final velocity u is initial velocity t is time so, u=v-at

Equation for calculating velocity when acceleration and time are known?

The equation for calculating velocity when acceleration and time are known is v = u + at, where v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, and t is the time.

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Acceleration tells how velocity changes. If the acceleration is positive, the velocity is increasing; if it is negative, the velocity is decreasing. The equation that relates them is v = u + at, where v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, and t is the time.

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if under uniform acceleration or deceleration v = u + (a*t) where: v = instantaneous velocity u = initial velocity a = acceleration (negative if decelerating) t = time elapsed

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This formula is derived from one of the basic laws of motion; v = u + at : where 'v' is the final velocity, 'u' is the initial velocity, 'a' is the acceleration and 't' is the time v = u + at, therefore, v - u = at : a = (v - u) ÷ t

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The formula for finding final velocity is: v = u + at, where: v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, and t is the time taken.

. ok v velocity a acceleration but what about you?

if by 'you', you mean 'u' then u is the initial velocity v is the final velocity. you need to know the initial velocity in trajectory question (motion of an object through the air) to find height, acceleration, time etc.

If an object is accelerating what equation relates the acceleration of that object the initial velocity and the final velocity and time?

The equation that relates acceleration (a), initial velocity (u), final velocity (v), and time (t) for an object under constant acceleration is: v = u + at.

What are two formulas for acceleration?

The formula for acceleration is a = (v - u) / t, where a is acceleration, v is final velocity, u is initial velocity, and t is time taken. Another formula for acceleration is a = F / m, where a is acceleration, F is the force acting on an object, and m is the mass of the object.

How do you work out velocity when given acceleration and time?

Answer: v=u + at v (Velocity) = u (Starting velocity) + a (acceleration) x t (time) So, starting from stationary (u=0), the velocity is simply a x t e.g. if the acceleration is 5mph per second per second, after 10 seconds you would be travelling at 50mph. Answer: The above is for constant acceleration. In the case of variable acceleration, integration has to be used.

How is acceleration caculated?

Acceleration is the the fluctuation in velocity per unit calculate the acceleration we need the formula : Acceleration = Velocity fluctuations / time taken or Acceleration = Final velocity - Initial velocity / time taken or a = v-u/t

What are the equations of motion involving uniform acceleration?

The equations of motion involving uniform acceleration are: v = u + at, where v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, t is the time taken. s = ut + (1/2)at^2, where s is the displacement. v^2 = u^2 + 2as, where s is the displacement. These equations describe the relationships between initial velocity, final velocity, acceleration, displacement, and time during motion with uniform acceleration.