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if you mean cubic metres

bricks have a density of about 2.4 kg/ litre and air is about 1.2 kg/ m3

so 2.4 x 2 = 4.8 metric tons for bricks

1.2 x 6000 = 7.2 metric tons for air

therefore air has more mass

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2 m of bricks would have more mass than 6000 m of air because bricks are denser than air. Density is defined as mass per unit volume, and bricks have a much higher density than air.

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Q: What would have more mass 2 m of bricks or 6000 m of air?
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How does a pound of bricks and a pound of feathers compare?

They both weigh one pound, but the volume of a pound of feathers will be much larger than the volume of a pound of bricks due to the difference in density. The bricks will be more compact and heavy, while the feathers will be lighter and fluffier.

Which is heavier a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

A ton is a ton, whether bricks, feathers or shoes. So they weigh the same. However in reality, the space taken up by the feathers would also include a large amount of air (which has a lot of mass and therefore weight if you get enough of it), where bricks would be stacked together with little air between. The feathers would then weigh more when actually measured, but only because you aren't measuring just the feathers. ANS2: The ton is a mass unit--it measures how much "stuff" you have. Heaviness, how hard gravity pulls a mass to another object, is measured by weight units. The avoirdupois system uses the pound as a unit of mass. There are 2000 pounds in an avoirdupois ton. Weight is measured in slugs. Since a ton of feathers has the same mass as a ton of bricks we are left to determine which has a greater attraction to the earth (weight). Two factors determine this measurement: "How far is the center of gravity from the center of the earth?" and "Are there any countering forces?" In a pile of bricks, the center of gravity is slightly closer to the center of the earth than would be the center of gravity of a pile of feathers. The gravitational attraction on the bricks would be greater than on the feathers. Feathers occupy more space than bricks of the same mass and, therefore displace more air. Air would provide a buoyant force countering the force towards the center of the earth. For these two reasons, a ton of bricks weighs slightly more than a ton of feathers.

What is more dense- a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

The answer is very much the same as the answer to the question: "Which weighs most, hot water, cold water, or water colored green ?" The answer, of course, is: That depends on how much you have of each substance. One thing we can definitely guarantee: A pound of bricks, a pound of cheese, and a pound of feathers all have precisely the same, identical, and indistinguishable weight.

Which weighs more-a pound of cheese bricks or feathers?

Cheese bricks, obviously. Actualy if it's a pound of cheese, a pound of bricks, or a pound of feathers they al way the same,, no matter how much it seems that a pound of feathers is the lightest,,there all 1 pound! ^_^

Why are things mass produced?

There are several reasons why mass-production is cheaper. The first is that more products can be made in the same amount of time as producing the products individually. An example is how the Lego company produces Lego bricks. The first bricks were handmade, resulting in more money spent paying the people who manufactured the parts. Later on, the bricks were made in molds robotically turning out large quantities of bricks every hour. a single production room can make tens-of-thousands bricks a day with only three people monitoring production. Another example is the assembly line invented by Henry Ford. Up until the assembly line was produced, all cars were made by three or four people taking several hours or days to make one car. When Ford invented the assembly line, a car could be made in just over an hour. Another advantage of mass assembly is that the human workers do not typically have to be trained professionals (which require higher pay). Additionally, with mass-production, more products can be presented to your buyers in a shorter amount of time. In closing, mass production is a cheaper, faster way to make identical products. One note is though while it is cheaper to mass produce, complex products are more durable when hand-made made, compare an ordinary car to a Bentley or a Rolls Royce.

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What has more mass a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks?

Since thier both a ton...a ton is a ton...but if you're talking about MASS, its possible the bricks would have more as they are more dense. This is a trick question.

Which weighs more a dozen eggs or a dozen bricks?

a dozen bricks because bricks weight more than eggs..... if u have 12 eggs and 12 bricks in separate bags what bag would be heavier...the bag of bricks a dozen bricks because bricks weight more than eggs..... if u have 12 eggs and 12 bricks in separate bags what bag would be heavier...the bag of bricks

What is heavier a tone of gold or a tone of bricks?

well they would both be the same, as both would have the weight of one tone. however the answer that i believe that you want is that you would need a lot more bricks to make one tone than gold as gold is a lot denser.

Which has more mass 1 kilogram of feathers or 1 kilogram of bricks?

Neither. They both have the same mass. "kg" is a measurement of mass. If you meant volume (the space taken up by the object), the feathers would have the greater volume.

What is hevier a tun of bricks or a tun of feathers?

A tun of bricks is heavier than a tun of feathers because bricks have a higher density compared to feathers. The weight of an object is determined by its mass and gravity acting upon it, so the denser object will have more mass and therefore be heavier.

If you have 8 g of H and 8 g of carbon then you do not have the same amount of carbon and hydrogen - why?

Because you have the same mass but not the same amount. This is because a hydrogen atom weighs less than a carbon atom. It's like having a tonne of bricks and a tonne of feathers. Both the feathers and the bricks have the same mass, but obviously there will be many more feathers than bricks. The atomic mass of hydrogen is 1. Carbon has an atomic mass of 12. So with an equal mass you get 12 times as many hydrogen atoms as you would carbon atoms.

Why do bricks take up less space than feathers equaling the same weight as the bricks?

Bricks have more density whereas feathers have less comparatively. Space occupied ie volume = mass/ density. So space occupied is inversely related to the density. Hence feathers occupy more space than the bricks.

What weighs more bricks or water?

it basicly depends on the quantity: if there is more water and less bricks then the water weighs more if there are more bricks than water then the bricks weigh more if the bricks and water are in equal amount, then if the water is really dense it may weigh more... it varies

How does a pound of bricks and a pound of feathers compare?

They both weigh one pound, but the volume of a pound of feathers will be much larger than the volume of a pound of bricks due to the difference in density. The bricks will be more compact and heavy, while the feathers will be lighter and fluffier.

What is more expensive drywall or bricks?

Bricks are more expensive.

6231 rounded to the nearest thousand?


Is it correct to say serves more than 6000 or serves more then 6000?

It is correct to say "...serves more than 6000..."