It is 385.
Pairs of positive integer factors of 385 are: 1 x 385 = 385 5 x 77 = 385 7 x 55 = 385 11 x 35 = 385 And their reverses.
These numbers all go into 385 evenly: 1, 5, 7, 11, 35, 55, 77, 385.
4 divided 385 = 0.01038961038961039
To find out how many times 5 goes into 385, you would divide 385 by 5. The result is 77, with no remainder. Therefore, 5 goes into 385 exactly 77 times.
385 is an integer and not a fraction. However, it can be expressed in rational form as 385/1. Since the denominator is 1, it is irreducible and so the fraction is in its simplest form.
To convert 385 into a mixed fraction, you first divide the numerator (385) by the denominator (1) to get the whole number part of the mixed fraction, which is 385. Then, you take the remainder (0 in this case) as the numerator of the fractional part and the original denominator (1) as the denominator. So, 385 as a mixed fraction is 385 0/1.
0.385 in fraction =385/1000 or77/2000.385% = 0.385%/100% * 1000/1000 = 385/1000 or 77/200 in fraction
0.385 to fraction:= 385/1000= 77/200
1.925 = 1925/1000 = 385/200 = 77/40 would be 1.925 as a fraction in its simplest form.
11 goes into both 44 and 385, so divide both by 11. The simplified fraction is 4/35.
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 7, 252/385 is equal to 36/55 or thirty-six fifty-fifths.
It is 385.
Pairs of positive integer factors of 385 are: 1 x 385 = 385 5 x 77 = 385 7 x 55 = 385 11 x 35 = 385 And their reverses.
385 5*77 = 385 7*77 = 385 11*35 = 385
385, 770, 1155, 1540, 1925, 2310 +385 . . .