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It depends on what load is on the wall.

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Q: 5 foot concret block wall how deep should the footing be?
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How deep does the support post need to go down to support a twelve ft pitch roof?

If you make a block of concrete 1.5 X 1.5 X 1.5 Feet and fasten the support shoe to that you should have a reasonable footing

Hom much concrete do you need for a footing 24ft long 2 ft wide 19 inches deep?

131,328 in3, but you should have worked it out for yourself.

How deep and wide is a footing for a storage room?

If it is an exterior shed type storage room you can go as deep and wide as you want. If it is part of a home and attached it should be 12 inches wide and deep enough to get below the frost or freeze depth in your area. If freezing ground is not a problem than 12 inches deep should be fine.

Difference between footing and foundation of a structure?

The footing lies on the ground around the base of the structure. The Foundation cn go way below with pilings deep into the ground.I can say that the footing is the part of foundation which transfers the load directly to the soil and foundationis the part of structure below the plinth level including the footing while footing is the part which is below the ground level.

How many yards of concret would i need to cover a 20ft 2 inches by 5ft 3 inches?

That depends on how DEEP you want the concrete !

How much concrete does it take for a footing 100 ft long 2 ft wide 5 inches deep?

you will need about 4 cuyds for your project.

Which starting block should you use if the pool is only 5' deep?

Be sure to make this a very shallow dive. Our swim team dove from the regular side of the pool.

How many feet are required from a block wall to a swimming pool?

The distance from the bottom of the pool to the bottom of the house footing is based on a 45 degree line from the bottom of pool to the bottom of the house footing. Basically if the pool is 3'-0" deep you must stay 3'-0" from the house. If the pool is 6'-0" deep you must stay 6'-0" back. Call your building department to verify.

How deep must the footer be for a building?

The top of the footing must be below the frost line. This varies from one geographical area to another. To be sure, contact the local building permit office where the building is to be located.

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The weight of the block at the time of the drop would ensure that the block goes into the water pretty deep depending on the size and weight of the block. After going into the water in the first instance, it would then float.

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