

Best Answer

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


int x, y, z;

cout << "Enter 3 numbers: \n";

cin >> x;

cin >> y;

cin >> z;

if(x < y && x < z)


cout << x << " ";

if(y < z)


cout << y << " " << z;


else if(z < y)


cout << z << " " << y;



else if(y < x && y < z)


cout << y << " ";

if(x < z)


cout << x << " " << z;


else if(z < x)


cout << z << " " << x;



else if(z < y && z < x)


cout << z << " ";

if(y < x)


cout << y << " " << x;


else if(x < y)


cout << x << " " << y;



char wait;

cin >> wait;

return 0;


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Q: A c plus plus program to read in three integer numbers and print them out in ascending order For example if the numbers input were 10 7 8 then your output would be 7 8 10?
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I know how to do this and you need to know how to do this. Why don't you do your best at writing this program and if it does not work then ask for help. You will not learn anything if I give you the answer.

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Here's a simple C program that prompts the user for three decimal numbers, converts them to integers, and prints the trimmed integer values: c Copy code #include int main() { double num1, num2, num3; // Prompt the user for three decimal numbers printf(&quot;Enter three decimal numbers: &quot;); scanf(&quot;%lf %lf %lf&quot;, &amp;num1, &amp;num2, &amp;num3); // Convert and print the trimmed integer values int intNum1 = (int)num1; int intNum2 = (int)num2; int intNum3 = (int)num3; printf(&quot;Trimmed integer values: %d, %d, %d\n&quot;, intNum1, intNum2, intNum3); return 0; } In this program: We declare three variables num1, num2, and num3 to store the decimal numbers entered by the user. We use printf to prompt the user to enter three decimal numbers. We use scanf to read and store the user's input in the variables num1, num2, and num3. We then convert these decimal numbers to integers by casting them using (int) and store them in intNum1, intNum2, and intNum3. Finally, we use printf again to print the trimmed integer values. Compile and run the program, and it will prompt you for three decimal numbers and print their trimmed integer values as requested.