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The box is cuboid, not cube: a cube box would be the same length in all dimensions.

"Double the size" is an ambigous phrase. Doubling all three measures, to a box of 4 by 6 by 10 would increase its volume 8-fold.

Simply doubling its volume could be achieved by doubling any one of the three lengths to 4 by 3 by 5, or 2 by 6 by 5 or 2 by 3 by 10.

Furthermore, the volume could be doubled by halving one length and quadrupling another, etc. There are an infinite nimber of possibilities.

Doubling the volume while maintaining the relative proportions would require increasing each side by a factor of cuberoot(2) or 1.26.

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Q: A cube box is 2 by 3 by 5 What is double the size?
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