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- S. Balaji Sreenivas

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Q: A model or drawing based on a ratio?
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What is the ratio compares the measurements of the drawing or model to the measurements of the real object.?


How do you find scale factor?

# is the ratio of the demensions in the drawing to the corresponding actual dimensions. The scale factor for a scale drawing is the ratio of the dimensions in the drawing to the corresponding acual bimensions.

What is an answer for a model or drawing of a ratio?

I can not show you a pic but i can decribe it Ratio is when there is a graph and you have numbers or decimal (etc.) For example at the bottom there are number per say weeks on the side there are months so (3.4) Is a ratio so on the bottom is 3 and on the side is 4 so ratio is always something you have to go your work over with ok

Ratio of a length on a drawing to its actual length?

a scale

Is a model a drawing?


What gives the ratio that compares measurements of the drawing to the measurements of the real object?

It is the scale ratio or scale factor

What is the ratio of a length on a scale drawing?

It is (or should be) given by the key.

What is the 2-d model for a 3-d model?

a drawing of the 3d model

What is the model for the percent?


What is scaled drawing?

The "scale" of a drawing is its relation in size to the inspiration. So, for example, if you were drawing a picture of your friend, and it was half the size that she is in real life, the scale would be represented as a ratio of 1:2.

The ratio of a length on a drawing scale to the corresponding length on the real object is called the?

The scale.

A scale written as a ratio in simplest form without units of measurement?

scale drawing