When a number is divided by 32, the remainder can range from 0 to 31, as the remainder can never be greater than the divisor. Therefore, the greatest value the remainder may have is 31.
The remainder is always 31 or less.
The remainder is the number that is left over after the initial value has been divided as much as it can. If any numbers greater than 48 were present as a remainder, then these could be divided further into 48. If 48 is present as the remainder, then this can be divided by 48 to give 1, leaving no remainder. Thus, the largest possible remainder if the divisor is 48 is 47.
The number with the smallest absolute value is 111111.
When a number is divided by 32, the remainder can range from 0 to 31, as the remainder can never be greater than the divisor. Therefore, the greatest value the remainder may have is 31.
The remainder is always 31 or less.
The smallest number that satisfies the problem is 1718366. There is no greatest number; whatever value you specify as the greatest I can add 967 × 2053 = 1985251 and get an even greater number that solves the problem. This addition is divisible by both 2053 and 967, so when dividing by 2053 or 967 the (respective) remainder does not change.
Yes, zero is the smallest even number. An even number is any integer that is divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder. Since zero divided by 2 equals zero, it meets the criteria of being an even number.
The remainder is the number that is left over after the initial value has been divided as much as it can. If any numbers greater than 48 were present as a remainder, then these could be divided further into 48. If 48 is present as the remainder, then this can be divided by 48 to give 1, leaving no remainder. Thus, the largest possible remainder if the divisor is 48 is 47.
The quotient is the number of times the second number goes intro the first and the remainder is what is left over.
Store the numbers in a suitable container such as an array. Assume the first number is the smallest and assign its value to a local variable. Traverse the remainder of the sequence, comparing each element's value to the stored value. If an element has a lower value, assign its value to the local variable. When the sequence is fully traversed, the local variable will hold the value of the smallest value in the sequence. Return that value.
The number with the smallest absolute value is 111111.