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the humidity may have contributed to it somehow

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Q: A woodcutter has a cube of oak which never got smaller and was never cut how can it be that it was changed from a cube to a pyramid and then to a rectangle?
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What shape is created by a cross section of a rectangular pyramid?

It is a rectangle which is similar to (but smaller than) the rectangular base.

If the area of a smaller rectangle is 289 inches what is the area of the larger rectangle that is 3 times the smaller rectangle?

867 square inches

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Area of a rectangle is Base(B) times Height(H).Area of smaller rectangle is BH.Area of larger rectangle is 2BH.Area of larger rectangle is twice as large as the smaller rectangle.

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A rectangle has only one area - there no smaller or bigger area.

What has 3 horizontal sides?

A rectangle minus a smaller rectangle which share a vertex.

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A rectangular frustum.

Why is an energy pyramid is the shape of a pyramid?

It is in the shape of a pyramid to show at the bottom it is big which gives 10% and then it gives off smaller and then smaller amounts of energy to make the point at the top.

What are the dimensions of the rectangle with the smallest perimeter?

There are almost infinite possibilities as you get smaller and smaller

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The width is the smaller length.

What are the names of 2 very large pyramids in Teotihuacan?

The Pyramid of the Sun, and the smaller Pyramid of the Moon.