Oh honey, no. 224 and 243 are not relatively prime. They have a common factor of 1, which means they are as related as cousins at a family reunion. So, no need to waste your time trying to find a common ground for these two, they're just not that into each other.
A single number, such as 224243 cannot be relatively prime. And if they are meant to be two numbers, then we cannot tell whether they are meant to be2 and 24243
22 and 4243
224 and 243
2242 and 43
or 22424 and 3.
However, you will be pleased to know that the answer is the same in all cases: they are coprime.
No because they are both composite numbers
6 + (23 424 243 423 423 243 244 224 242 424) = 23 424 243 423 423 243 244 224 242 430
Only the number 1.
The prime factors of 224 are: 2 and 7
The gcf is 1
224 is not prime. 224 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 7
Yes. There are no common divisors other than 1.
No. 224 is a composite number
The prime factors of 243 are 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 So 243 = 3^5