

Are mechs real

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Yes mechs are very much real the Japanese military has created a prototype mech that is about 130 feet in size it is able to walk, shoot missiles, and detect an enemy but this is just a prototype the Japanese are constructing a full body mech that can run up to 270 miles per hour (due to its size) and can fly up to 720 miles per hour and it will be loaded with missiles and machine guns.

Try to top that America!

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at teks mechs-its the monthly rare

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You have to pay with real money. Also you can go to a cheat engine that hacks it for you. Some do it, some don;t however. there are better mechs than skullcrusher like the sepulchure

What is the name of the robots on falling skies?

I believe they just call them mechs.

What is the best mechquest mech?

For non-Star Captains, the Riptide Loyalis available in Tek's Mechs in the rare items area. For Star Captains, the Dharmamhp, in the same area. Also, if you by MQ merchandise, you can get codes for other mechs, like sepulchre.

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u gota defeat constatin....dint worked with me but i think ist that...

Were do you download a halo mod map with a battle mech in it?

Pipedream for Halo Custom Edition features mechs.

Can you sell your mech in Mechquest?

Yes. You get gold. Go to Tek's Mechs and you get gold. (I don't know what you do with gold)

What perks do you get on mechquest if you are a guardian on adventurequest?

In Tek's mechs go to the rare section and the verified sections at the bottom are unlocked