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-220 - 16 x 32?

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Q: Calculate the value of the expression using a calculator-220 - 16 x 32?
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How do you evaluate in mathematics?

Evaluate means find the value of.To evaluate an expression, if there are any variables replace them by their values. Then, using BIDMAS/PEMDAS, calculate the value of the expression.Evaluate means find the value of.To evaluate an expression, if there are any variables replace them by their values. Then, using BIDMAS/PEMDAS, calculate the value of the expression.Evaluate means find the value of.To evaluate an expression, if there are any variables replace them by their values. Then, using BIDMAS/PEMDAS, calculate the value of the expression.Evaluate means find the value of.To evaluate an expression, if there are any variables replace them by their values. Then, using BIDMAS/PEMDAS, calculate the value of the expression.

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Replace each variables in the algebraic expression by its [known] value and calculate the value (ie evaluate) of the algebraic expression.

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You have to substitute a value for the letter variable in the expression. This is what we call evaluating the algebraic expression. An example would be 3x+1=7, when x=2.

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"Evaluate" means to calculate - find out what value it has.

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You can't simplify this expression. You can calculate a value (a number) only if you happen to know how much "x" is.

How do you find the value of an algebraic expression by substituting a number for each variable and simplifying?

The answer to the question is given in the question!If you want to find the value of an algebraic expression, then you need to substitute numerical values for each of the variables in the expression, and then calculate and simplify the result.

To find the value of a numerical of algebraic expression?

Evaluate using PEMDAS

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you test it by giving the letters a value say if X equals 5 and Y equals 7 then you calculate both expressions with that value. If both answers are the same, then the simplified expression is correct, or an equivalent.

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Here is a mathematical expression to calculate a value. -6m2+26u+4n-17m2+7n Solution: Step 1: It can be written as -6m2-17m2+7n+4n+26u Step 2: Here we need to combine the terms So we get -23m2+11n+26u.

How do you calculated the current shunt?

Write down the Ohm's law expression of "V = I * R" where "V" is the voltage drop across shunt resistor, "I" is the current flowing through shunt and "R" is the shunt resistance.Substitute value of voltage "V" and current "I" in the Ohm's law expression. For example, if voltage across shunt is 10 volts and current flowing through it is 1 ampere, then the expression is 10 = 100 * R.Divide the expression throughout by 100 to calculate the "R" value. Using a calculator, find the value of "R." From the example, the value of "R" will be 0.1 ohm, which is the value of shunt resistor.