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Q: Can you get zero when you divide the numerator of an improper fraction by the denominator?
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How convert improper fraction?

To convert an improper fraction, you divide the numerator by the denominator. Hope this helps!

How do you convert an improper fraction to a decimals?

You divide the numerator by the denominator.

What is a fraction with a numerator that is greater than or equal to the denominator is an?

if the numerator is bigger then the denominator it is called an improper fraction so you have to divide to get your regular fraction.

How do you put an improper fraction into decimal form?

Divide the denominator into the numerator.

Is 9 over 9 an improper fraction?

Yes. If the numerator (on top) is higher or equal to the denominator (bottom) than its an improper fraction. If the numerator and denominator are the same then the fraction is considered a whole number and always comes out 1. If the numerator is higher than the denominator then you must divide the numerator by the denominator.

How do you change each improper fraction to a mixed numeral?

divide the numerator by the denominator

How do you turn an improper fraction as a mixed number?

easy. first you divide the denominator into the numerator. then you write the whole number you got and then if you have a remainder you put that as the numerator and the same denominator in the improper fraction. you WELCOME.

How do you convert equivalent fractions to decimals?

Divide the numerator by the denominator.the fraction would have to be improper with a whole number, then you would divide it--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It does not have to be an improper fraction. You would take the numerator(top number) and divide it by the denominator (bottom number).Examples: (/=divided by)_25_ 25/100=0.25100_75_ 75/150=0.5150

How do you make an improper in to a mixed fraction?

The improper fraction usually has a numerator that is greater than the denominator. Divide the numerator by the denominator. In most cases you will get a quotient and a remainder. Now write the quotient and suffix it with the fraction represented by the remainder obtained above as the numerator and the original denominator as the new denominator as well.

What is a improper fractions?

An improper fraction is when the numerator is a greater sum then the denominator. Example- 10/5. To change that into a proper fraction you divide the numerator by the denominator. Example - 2 1/5

How do you simplify an improper fraction?

Same as a proper fraction. You check whether you can divide numerator and denominator by the same number.

How do you write a mixed number in decimal notation?

Convert it to an improper fraction and divide the denominator into the numerator.