When you Multiply two decimals it is called the product.
Like Fractions
unlike fractions
They are equivalent fractions
equivalent fractions
Whole numbers without decimals or fractions are called integers.
They are called rational numbers
Although fractions or decimals are not called this, they are, in fact, decimal fractions.
Commonly called terminating decimals. However, no decimals actually come to an end as you can add zeros until infinity without changing the value of the decimal. therefore they are known as recurring decimals in a similar way to 1/3 e.g. 0.13 = 0.1300000000000000000000000000... 13/100 and 2/3 = 0.66666666666666666666... These can all be written as fractions.
A job. Most jobs will use these some time or another.
Things without decimals like people are called discrete data and things that you can measure with decimals like mass are called continuous data. :)
They are called integers. Fractions and decimals are NOT integers, even if it has a positive or negative sign.
Historically, any number that did not represent a whole was called a "fraction". The numbers that we now call "decimals" were originally called "decimal fractions"; the numbers we now call "fractions" were called "vulgar fractions", the word "vulgar" meaning "commonplace". The word is also used in related expressions, such as continued fraction and algebraic fraction-see Special cases below.
Whole numbers
They are called terminating decimals.
A number with no decimals is called a whole number, or an integer.
Fractions with the same numerator are called like fractions