

Define the system of linear equation?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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its an equation that you can graph and when the points are connected, it makes a line. usually includes variables x and y.

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Q: Define the system of linear equation?
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How do you define system linear equations?

A linear equation in n variables, x1, x2, ..., xn is an equation of the forma1x1 + a2x2 + ... + anxn = y where the ai are constants.A system of linear equations is a set of m linear equations in n unknown variables. There need not be any relationship between m and n. The system may have none, one or many solutions.

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This is a linear algebra question and it is incomplete since there are no equation which have to be solved.

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By elimination and substitution

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linear system is like a chemistry equation or math equation where on both sides it must balance. Nonlinear is a math equation or physics that does not appear to have a direct answer just like chaos theory. lulu254ever

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An independent system of linear equations is a set of vectors in Rm, where any other vector in Rm can be written as a linear combination of all of the vectors in the set. The vector equation and the matrix equation can only have the trivial solution (x=0).