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The question almost certainly intends "fast" instead of "first". The difference between a Fourier Transform and a Fast Fourier Transform is only the amount of effort required to generate the result. Both have the same the result. The original Fourier Transform requires an amount of effort which is proportional to the square of the amount of data being used. So if the amount of data doubles, the amount of effort to calculate the result quadruples. In contrast, the subsequently discovered Fast Fourier Transform requires an amount of effort proportional to the product of the amount of data and the base-two logarithm of the amount of data. Thus, if the amount of data doubles, the amount of effort increases but by less than a quadruple. With each doubling of the data size, the amount of effort increases by a diminishing factor which slowly drops toward but never reaches two.

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Q: Difference between fourier transform and first fourier transform?
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MA1201 MATHEMATICS III 3 1 0 100 AIM The course aims to develop the skills of the students in the areas of boundary value problems and transform techniques. This will be necessary for their effective studies in a large number of engineering subjects like heat conduction, communication systems, electro-optics and electromagnetic theory. The course will also serve as a prerequisite for post graduate and specialized studies and research. OBJECTIVES At the end of the course the students would • Be capable of mathematically formulating certain practical problems in terms of partial differential equations, solve them and physically interpret the results. • Have gained a well founded knowledge of Fourier series, their different possible forms and the frequently needed practical harmonic analysis that an engineer may have to make from discrete data. • Have obtained capacity to formulate and identify certain boundary value problems encountered in engineering practices, decide on applicability of the Fourier series method of solution, solve them and interpret the results. • Have grasped the concept of expression of a function, under certain conditions, as a double integral leading to identification of transform pair, and specialization on Fourier transform pair, their properties, the possible special cases with attention to their applications. • Have learnt the basics of Z - transform in its applicability to discretely varying functions, gained the skill to formulate certain problems in terms of difference equations and solve them using the Z - transform technique bringing out the elegance of the procedure involved. UNIT I PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 9 + 3 Formation of partial differential equations by elimination of arbitrary constants and arbitrary functions - Solution of standard types of first order partial differential equations - Lagrange's linear equation - Linear partial differential equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients. UNIT II FOURIER SERIES 9 + 3 Dirichlet's conditions - General Fourier series - Odd and even functions - Half range sine series - Half range cosine series - Complex form of Fourier Series - Parseval's identify - Harmonic Analysis. UNIT III BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS 9 + 3 Classification of second order quasi linear partial differential equations - Solutions of one dimensional wave equation - One dimensional heat equation - Steady state solution of two-dimensional heat equation (Insulated edges excluded) - Fourier series solutions in Cartesian coordinates. UNIT IV FOURIER TRANSFORM 9 + 3 Fourier integral theorem (without proof) - Fourier transform pair - Sine and Cosine transforms - Properties - Transforms of simple functions - Convolution theorem - Parseval's identity. UNIT V Z -TRANSFORM AND DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 9 + 3 Z-transform - Elementary properties - Inverse Z - transform - Convolution theorem -Formation of difference equations - Solution of difference equations using Z - transform. TUTORIAL 15 TOTAL : 60 TEXT BOOKS 1. Grewal, B.S., "Higher Engineering Mathematics", Thirty Sixth Edition, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2001. 2. Kandasamy, P., Thilagavathy, K., and Gunavathy, K., "Engineering Mathematics Volume III", S. Chand & Company ltd., New Delhi, 1996. 3. Wylie C. Ray and Barrett Louis, C., "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1995. REFERENCES 1. Andrews, L.A., and Shivamoggi B.K., "Integral Transforms for Engineers and Applied Mathematicians", Macmillen , New York ,1988. 2. Narayanan, S., Manicavachagom Pillay, T.K. and Ramaniah, G., "Advanced Mathematics for Engineering Students", Volumes II and III, S. Viswanathan (Printers and Publishers) Pvt. Ltd. Chennai, 2002. 3. Churchill, R.V. and Brown, J.W., "Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems", Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Singapore, 1987.

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