

Dividing rational numbers

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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In order to divide rational numbers we need to do the following steps:

  1. Replace the division symbol by multiplication symbol.

  2. The divisor will be it's reciprocal.

  3. Multiply the statement.

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How is multiplying and dividing rational numbers similar?

Dividing by a non-zero rational number is the same as multiplying by its reciprocal.

How are multiplying and dividing rational numbers related?

Dividing by a rational number (other than zero) is simply multiplication by its reciprocal.

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The rules are the same.

When multiplying and dividing rational numbers how do you know if the answer will be a negative?

It the two rational numbers have different signs, then the answer will be negative, otherwise it will be positive.

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What numbers are rational numbers?

A rational number is any number that can be made by dividing one integer by another.0.5 is a rational number as it can be made by dividing the number 1 by the number 22 is a rational number because it can be made by dividing 2 by 1-6.6 is a rational number because it can be made by dividing -66 by 10---------------------------------------------------------Note there are number that are called irrational numbers. Irrational numbers are all "real" numbers (numbers with a decimal point) that cannot be written as a simple fraction - the decimal goes on forever without repeating.For instance the number Pi is an irrational number.A rational number is a real number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers. Another way to think about it is this: if you can write a number as a fraction then it's a rational number.

When multiplying and dividing rational numbers how do you know if you're into me positive negative?

It the signs of the two numbers that you are multiplying or dividing is the same, then the answer is positive, otherwise the answer is negative. Remember though, that division by 0 is not defined.

Why dividing fraction by 1 equals the fraction?

Dividing any number by 1 equals the number you started with.

How many rational numbers are there between two consecutive rational numbers?

There are no consecutive rational numbers. Between any two rational numbers there are an infinity of rational numbers.

Is 3.9 rational or irrational?

If there are no numbers after the 9 it is rational