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Ohms are smaller than k-ohms, so number of ohms must be a bigger number.

Multiply k-ohms by 1,000 to get the same resistance in ohms.

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Q: Do multiply or divide convert kohms to ohms?
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To convert ohms to: microohms - multiply by a million milliohms - multiply by 1000 kilohms - divide by 1000 megohms - divide by a million

How do you convert ohms to mega ohms?

A Megohm is one million ohms. To convert ohms to Megohms, divide by one million.

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k = 1000, so there are 22,500 ohms in 25.5 kOhms. 22.5k = 22.5 x 1000 = 22,500

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Multiply by 1000. 1K ohm = 1000 ohms

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97 k ohms is equivalent to 97,000 ohms. Just multiply the value in kiloohms by 1,000 to convert it to ohms.

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15 KOhms times 10 mA = 150 volts. 150 volts times 10 mA = 1.5 watts.

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wire two 8 ohm speakers in a parallel circuit!

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The answer is .047Megohms. 1kilo ohm is 1,000 ohms. 1mega ohm is 1,000,000 ohms. Just move the decimal over to convert.

What is 47 mega ohms in kilo Ohms?

The answer is .047Megohms. 1kilo ohm is 1,000 ohms. 1mega ohm is 1,000,000 ohms. Just move the decimal over to convert.