

Does a line segment go forever?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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No, just the opposite: A line segment has two end points.

The word line is usually used to refer to a line segment, but by the mathematical definition, a line extends forever in both directions.

(A line that has one end point and extends forever in one direction is called a ray.)

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Q: Does a line segment go forever?
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Does a line go forever?

A "line" does. A "line segment" does not. Most people interpret "line" to mean "line segment" (without realising it) and so would conclude that a line does not go on forever. A "line segment" is a line between two points, which is what you would draw if told to draw a "line" on a piece of paper.

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Yes, you are right. A line segment eventually ends. In fact, a segment has two endpoints. But parallel lines go on forever; they have no endpoints.Example: (arrows indicating they go on forever)_____________________ (these are parallel line segments)

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No. A line continues forever in both directions. A line segment stops.

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no. A segment is a line with end points. Rays start in one place and go on forever.

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A line segment is a specific length. A line goes on forever in both directions.

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What do the words line segment mean in geometry?

A line segment is a line that has given boundries, while a line goes on forever.

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The shape that has 2 end points is known as a line segment. A line segment is a line that can go on forever, but it has a start point and an end point, no matter where it stops.

What the different between a line and a line segment?

Line segments have two ending points, while lines by proof and definition go on and on forever.

How the line and line segment are alike?

a line segment is only a small part of the line and can be expressed as a number. A line goes on forever into space