It is the digit of 0 that represents the hundreds place value.
The number 0.370 represents the hundredths place. This is used in math.
The binary value 1000 0000 represents the decimal number 128. In binary, each digit's place value doubles from right to left, starting at 1. Therefore, the rightmost digit is 1, representing 2^0, and the leftmost digit is 1, representing 2^7, which equals 128 in decimal.
Well, isn't that just a happy little binary number we have here! When we look at 00001001, we can see that it represents the decimal number 9. Each place in the binary number represents a power of 2, starting from the right with 2^0, then 2^1, 2^2, and so on. So, 02^7 + 02^6 + 02^5 + 02^4 + 12^3 + 02^2 + 02^1 + 12^0 equals 9.
Sixty and sixty-eight thousandths can be written as 60.068 in decimal form. In this representation, the number 60 represents the whole number part, the digit 0 represents the tenths place, the digit 6 represents the hundredths place, and the digit 8 represents the thousandths place. This number falls between 60 and 61 on the number line.
When a bit is turned on, it represents a "1". When it is turned off, it represents a "0". The exact value depends on where the bit is within the byte it is part of. In the binary number 0000 0001, the last bit is set to 1 and represents the number 1. In the binary number 0000 0010, the second to last bit is set to 1, which corresponds to the "2's" place relative to decimal numbers. In the binary number 0000 1000, the bit that is set to 1 represents the value "8" in decimal numbers.
A power of 2. In the decimal system, we use powers of 10, in the binary system, powers of 2. Other number system use some other number as their base; for example, hexadecimal (base-16) uses powers of 16.
The digit of 0 represents the hundreds place
Each place represents a power of 2. 10101010 base 2 = 27 + 25 + 23 + 21 = 128 + 32 + 8 + 2 = 170
If you mean how do you convert 8 into binary numbers, here it is. 8 -- Eights place value
It is the digit of 0 that represents the hundreds place value.
The number two.
The number 0.370 represents the hundredths place. This is used in math.
The binary value 1000 0000 represents the decimal number 128. In binary, each digit's place value doubles from right to left, starting at 1. Therefore, the rightmost digit is 1, representing 2^0, and the leftmost digit is 1, representing 2^7, which equals 128 in decimal.
Well, isn't that just a happy little binary number we have here! When we look at 00001001, we can see that it represents the decimal number 9. Each place in the binary number represents a power of 2, starting from the right with 2^0, then 2^1, 2^2, and so on. So, 02^7 + 02^6 + 02^5 + 02^4 + 12^3 + 02^2 + 02^1 + 12^0 equals 9.
Sixty and sixty-eight thousandths can be written as 60.068 in decimal form. In this representation, the number 60 represents the whole number part, the digit 0 represents the tenths place, the digit 6 represents the hundredths place, and the digit 8 represents the thousandths place. This number falls between 60 and 61 on the number line.