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Q: Evaluate the function e squared by ln 3?
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3 ln(x) = ln(3x)ln(x3) = ln(3x)x3 = 3xx2 = 3x = sqrt(3)x = 1.732 (rounded)

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Give an example of an exponential function Find this exponential function's inverse which will be a logarithmic function Plot the graph of both the functions?

An exponential function can be is of the form f(x) = a*(b^x). Some examples are f1(x) = 3*(10^x), or f2(x) = e^(-2*x). Note that the latter still fits the format, with b = e^(-2). The inverse is the logarithmic function. So for y = f1(x) = 3*(10^x), reverse the x & y, and solve for y:x = 3*(10^y)log(x) = log(3*(10^y)) = log(3) + log(10^y) = log(3) + y*log(10) = y*1 + log(3)y = log(x) - log(3) = log(x/3)The second function: y = e^(-2*x), the inverse is: x = e^(-2*y).ln(x) = ln(e^(-2*y)) = -2*y*ln(e) = -2*y*1y = -ln(x)/2 = ln(x^(-1/2))See related link for an example graph.

How do you Differentiate and Integrate y equals 3 to the power of x?

dy/dx = 3^x * ln(3)integral = (3^x) / ln(3)To obtain the above integral...Let y = 3^xln y = x ln 3y = e^(x ln 3)(i.e. 3^x is the same as e^(x ln 3) ).The integral will then be 3^x / ln 3 (from linear composite rule and substitution after integration).

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Y = x squared -4x plus 3 is an equation of a function. It is neither called a domain nor a range.

How would you solve ln 4 plus 3 ln x equals 5 ln 2?

Ln 4 + 3Ln x = 5Ln 2 Ln 4 + Ln x3= Ln 25 = Ln 32 Ln x3= Ln 32 - Ln 4 = Ln (32/4) = Ln 8= Ln 2

What is X when raised to the 3-5i power and the answer is 23-14i?

X = 1.31356+0.612045*iSteps to solve, take the natural log of both sides:ln(X^(3-5i)) = ln(23-14i).(3-5i)*ln(X) = ln(23-14i). Convert 23-14i to exponential form: A*e^(iΘ) {A = 26.926 and Θ = -0.54679 radians}(3-5i)*ln(X) = ln(A*e^(iΘ))= ln(A) + iΘ = ln(26.926) - 0.54679i.divide by (3-5i): ln(X) = (ln(A) + iΘ) / (3-5i) = (3.2931 - 0.54679i)/(3-5i)So we have ln(X) = 0.370978 + 0.436033i, then:e^(ln(X)) = e^(0.370978 + 0.436033i) --> X = 1.31356+0.612045*i

What is y squared -2 divided by y plus 5?