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Constructing the figure, we find the other diagonal to have length 10.

The area of the rhombus would thus be 10x8x0.5=40

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Q: What is the area of a rhombus with a perimeter of 20 meters and a diagonal of 8 meters?
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What is the perimeter and area formula for a rhombus?

P = 4*a (a is side length) Area = p*q/2 (p=perimeter, q=diagonal

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How do you find the perimeter of a rhombus when area is given?

There is no relationship between the perimeter and the area of a rhombus. Take a rhombus with all 4 sides = 2 units. Therefore the perimeter is 8 units. There are an infinite number of possible areas for this rhombus. The largest possible area will be when the rhombus approaches the shape of a square = 4 square units. The smallest area will be when the one diagonal approaches 0 units and the other diagonal approaches 4 units (squashed almost flat). So two very extreme areas can have the same perimeter, including all those areas in-between.

What is the measure of a rhombus?

The answer to this question depends on what characteristic of a rhombus you are measuring: the length of its sides, its perimeter, area, length of diagonal, its acute angles, its obtuse angles, or something else.

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What is the area in terms of x of a rhombus with one diagonal that is 4 times the other diagonal?

Diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular so the product is the area. If x is the smaller diagonal, the longer is 4x, and the area if 4x2.

Area of rhombus if area and perimeter is given and if you have to find altitude?

Perimeter = 4*Side so that Side = Perimeter/4 Area of a rhombus = Side * Altitude so Altitude = Area/Side = Area/(Perimeter/4) = 4*Area/Perimeter

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What is the area of rhombus one side of which measures 20cm and one diagonal 24 cm?

That will depend on the length of the other diagonal because area of a rhombus is 0.5*product of its diagonals.

What is the perimeter of a rhombus when one of its diagonals is 7.5cm and has an area of 37.5 square cm?

Let the other diagonal be x:- If area is: 0.5*x*7.5 = 37.5 Then x is: 37.5/(0.5*7.5) = 10 The rhombus will then have 4 right angles with sides of 5 and 3.75 Using Pythagoras: hypotenuse of each triangle is 6.25 cm Therefore perimeter of the rhombus is: 4*6.25 = 25 cm