write five names for 64
One Million50000.001 Billion1000*10001*1000000
One Million 1,000,000 1.0x106 10002 1003
Twenty Five, 20+5, and (2x10)+(5x1).
12 12*1 -1*-12 4*3 6*2
write five names for 64
There are 2 ways to write it: Three million and five or 3 000 005
You can write 142 the following ways: 142...124...214...241...412...421.
There are 2 ways to write it, 5.5 or 5 5/10 which is equal to 5 1/2.
12% or 12/100
Five ninths 5/9 0.55 repeating
75¢ or $0.75
You can 0.12 as 12/100 (simplify) and 12%.
There are a couple of ways to write 5.229: Five point two two nine Five and two hundred twenty-nine thousandths
26, 43, 82, 64 and √4096.