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a man in a blue suit that is the very head of black mesa i heard from someone he is in all other orange box games and i believed him because the spy looks like him too me

just with a mask on???

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Q: Half life2 who is gman?
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Gman is only in Half-Life, not pokemon....

Who does the Gman work for?

The gman, in the first half life, talks about his "employers," so he quite obviously works for someone. Who that is, no one but valve really knows. But it is clear that they are very powerful and have taken over Xen after the events of half life 1

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no, but you do need a source game like Half Life, Half Life2, or Team Fortress2

Where can you get Smod for Half-LIfe2?

Go to the garrysmod download site available in the related links.

But were do you find Gman?

G-man never appears in Pokemon, but in various places in Half-Life, usually where you can't get to immediately.

Is gman real?

Not necessarily. G-man himself, from Half-life, is non-existent, but was modeled from a real man named Frank Sheldon.

Who is gman?

In the Half Life series G-man is a mysterious entity who the player is employed by. G-man speaks in such a way that human speech is unnatural to him.

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2 1/2 g

How much cesium(half life2 years) would remain from a 10 g sample after 4 years?

2 1/2 g

What does gman mean in German?

There is no word like that in German.

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