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In a regular year, there is always one day spare. That is why the same day on consecutive years never falls on the same date. For example, today, March 13 2010, falls on a Saturday, but March 13 2011 will fall on a Sunday.

Leap years will offset dates by a further day. Therefore, March 13, 2012 will fall on a Tuesday.

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Q: How are there 365 days in a year when 52 x 7 is 364?
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Why is there 53 weeks and not 52?

Because 52 weeks equals 52*7 = 364 days and a year is 365 days long (or 366 in a leap year). It therefore spills into week 53.

What is greater 52 weeks or 365 days?

Seven days in a week. So... 52(7) = 364.

What do you do to get 52 weeks in 365 days?

You don't have to do anything. Everybody gets 52 weeks in 365 days. Plus an extra day!52 x 7 = 364

Why does a year have 365 days and not 364?

There are 52 weeks in a year but the earth takes 365+ days to orbit the sun which is why the calendar year contains 365 days. Some years, every 4 years, are leap years which contain 366 days because the year is actually 365.2421875 days approximately.

How many days are in 52 weeks and one day?

52 x 7(days in a week) = 364 + 1 = 365.

Why is 52wksX7days 364 not 365?

52 x 7 is 364. A year is 52 weeks and 1 day. That is how long, to the nearest day, it takes the Earth to go around the Sun. It is about 365.25 days to be more accurate.

Are there 52 days in a year?

No, there are 365 days in a year.

7x 52 equals 364 how come there are 365 days in a year?

There aren't exactly 52 weeks. Since 7 doesn't divide into 30 or into 31 for that matter they just multiplied 7 as many times as they could to get close to 365.

Explain why there is 52 weeks in a year?

There are 365 days in a year, 7 days in one week. So 365 divide by 7 is 52

How many days in 2010 without Saturdays and Sundays?

Well there are 365 days in that year and January 1st is on a Friday so that will be the beginning of every week for 52 weeks + 1 day (52 x 7 = 364 + 1 = 365) and that one day will be a Friday. So if you take all that into consideration the equation would look like this: days in the year - [weeks x weekends] = Days of 2010 without Saturday and Sunday ~ or ~ (365 - (52 x 2)) = ? (365 - (104)) = ? 365 - 104 = ? = 261

How many days were there in the year 1977?

according to the book of Enoch chapter 23 and others chapter say one year has only 364 days. which day has more hours than others? also Prophet Moses told to his people to follow the 364 days or 52 weeks when they celebrate the exile from Egypt.

How many weeks in a lunar year?

Since a leap year has 366 days, there are 52 weeks and 2 days in a leap year. 52 x 7 = 364 A normal year has one less day, 365 days. I AM ANOTHER PERSON NOW. ok the answer is = 52.28514 / for a leap year & 52.177457 / for a normal year :)