multiply ur answer and the number u divided it with and add the remainder
then do the oppsite.Multiply.
To check for divisibility, use the "%" operator - the remainder of a division. If the remainder is 0, it is divisible.for (i = 1; i
To check the answer to a division question, multply the divisor (the number that is being divided into the dividend) and the quotient (the answer). If there is a remainder, add the remainder to the answer. If the number matches the dividend, your answer to the division problem is correct.
Multiply the quotient times the dividend and then add on the remainder to the product.
the remainder
then do the oppsite.Multiply.
you cant
To check for divisibility, use the "%" operator - the remainder of a division. If the remainder is 0, it is divisible.for (i = 1; i
To check the answer to a division question, multply the divisor (the number that is being divided into the dividend) and the quotient (the answer). If there is a remainder, add the remainder to the answer. If the number matches the dividend, your answer to the division problem is correct.
You multiple the answer you got and you will get your answer
Multiply the quotient times the dividend and then add on the remainder to the product.
Use the MOD operator to get the remainder of integer division.
just kidding guys :P
you add the divisor with the dividend then subtract your answer wiith your remainder
It's called the remainder
the answer is 563 remainder 4 you can do it by doing long division to check you can multiply 563 times 8 you get that answer than add on the remainder 4
Divisions will not have a remainder if the divisor is a factor of the number. eg 6/2=3