For repeting it while repeat the same number over and over And for terminating it is such the oppisite
0.875 is a terminating decimal and as a fraction it is 7/8
To sum this answer up you half to turn the fraction into a decimal and if it ends that is terminating but if it keeps going it is called a repeating decimal EXAMPLES Terminating- 5/10=.5 Repeating- 1/3=.3333 (bar notation over the 3)
There are are three types of decimals: terminating, repeating and non-terminating/non-repeating. The first two are rational, the third is not.
It is terminating - after two decimal digits.
0.875 is a terminating decimal and as a fraction it is 7/8
It is a repeating decimal.
If the decimal is terminating or repeating then it can be written as a fraction. Decimal representations which are non-terminating and non-repeating cannot be expressed as a fraction.
A negative fraction need not be a terminating decimal. For example, -2/3 = -0.66... (repeating).
The latter which would be an irrational number that cannot be expressed as a fraction.
To sum this answer up you half to turn the fraction into a decimal and if it ends that is terminating but if it keeps going it is called a repeating decimal EXAMPLES Terminating- 5/10=.5 Repeating- 1/3=.3333 (bar notation over the 3)
If a fraction, in its simplest form has a denominator whose only prime factors are 2 or 5, then the fraction is terminating. If the denominator has any other prime factor then the decimal is repeating.
It depends. Suppose the fraction can be expressed as a ratio of two integers. When the fraction is in its simplest form, if the denominator has any prime factor other than 2 or 5 then the decimal is repeating. If the only prime factors are 2 and 5 then it is terminating. However, given a decimal representation, it is generally not possible to tell whether it will terminate after a while, or settle into a repeating pattern or if the pattern that looks as if it is repeating changes.
Any rational number is either a repeating decimal, or a terminating decimal.
If a fraction is a rational number then if the denominator goes into the numerator or into the numerator multiplied by a power of 10, then you will have a terminating decimal. Otherwise it will be a repeating decimal.
No, the question contradicts itself. If it is repeating then it cannot be terminating and if it is terminating then it cannot be repeating!
0.324 is a terminating fraction. The only way to express it as a repeating fraction is to express it as 0.323999... (repeating).