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Q: How did diophantus die?
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Where was Diophantus educated?

He lived in Alexandria, which in his time was a Greek city but is now in Egypt.

What was Diophantus' riddle?

Diophantus's riddle is a poem that encodes a mathematical problem. In verse, it read as follows: 'Here lies Diophantus,' the wonder behold. Through art algebraic, the stone tells how old: 'God gave him his boyhood one-sixth of his life, One twelfth more as youth while whiskers grew rife; And then yet one-seventh ere marriage begun; In five years there came a bouncing new son. Alas, the dear child of master and sage After attaining half the measure of his father's life chill fate took him. After consoling his fate by the science of numbers for four years, he ended his life.' Stated in prose, the poem says that Diophantus's youth lasts 1/6 of his life. He grew a beard after 1/12 more of his life. After 1/7 more of his life, Diophantus married. Five years later, he had a son. The son lived exactly half as long as his father, and Diophantus died just four years after his son's death. All of this totals the years Diophantus lived.

What was Diophantine's Contribution To Mathematics?

His name was actually Diophantus. The Diophantine equation was named after his work with similar problems dealing with how to solve quadratic equations.He was the first mathematician to recognize fractions as positive inetegers.He wrote Arithmetica, one of the first books on algebra.He was considered the father of algebra.In mathematics, a Diophantine equation (named for Diophantus of Alexandria, a third century Greek mathematician) is a polynomial equation where the variables can only take on integer values. Although you may not realize it, you have seen Diophantine equations before: one of the most famous Diophantine equations is:

Who discovered negative numbers?

It's known that Chinese people in Han Dynasty were the first to discover negative number. The second person to discover negative number was Diophantus in Greece. The third person to find it was Pearce Ian in India.

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