

Best Answer

If you don't know what radians are, use degrees.

If you don't know what radians OR degrees are, it doesn't matter.

If you knew what both of these were, you wouldn't have asked this question.

If you feel left out about the secret of radians, don't sweat, you will learn in math class when the time comes.

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Why you use radian?

it is used as an degree. It is an unit of angle.

What is 7900 radian in meters?

The only radian I know is the ratio of arc length to radius of the arc and as such has no units. It is used to measure angles and a full turn is 2π radians. So converting 7900 radian to meters is nonsense - unless there is another use of radian which I do not know.

Why do engineers use radian mode?

Radians are used in intermediate and advanced mathematics - in preference to degrees or other units for angular measure.

How do you change degree into radian?

radians = degrees *(pi/180) pi = 3.14159 (approximately) In Excel and other programs, you can use +pi() for pi.

Do you measure angles in anything other than degrees?

You can measure angles in degrees. However, The other common measurement for angles is radians. For this measurement, consider the unit circle (a circle of radius 1) whose center is the vertex of the angle in question. Then the angle cuts off an arc of the circle, and the length of that arc is the radian measure of the angle. It is easy to convert between degree measurement and radian measurement. The circumference of the entire circle is 2 ( is about 3.14159), so it follows that 360° equals 2 radians. Hence, 1° equals /180 radians, and 1 radian equals 180/ degrees. Most calculators can be set to use angles measured with either degrees or radians. Be sure you know what mode your calculator is using.

How many degrees are 8milirads?

A radian is a degree of measure where an entire circle is set equal to 2 x pi. If you use degrees, the circle is equal to 360 degrees. Therefore, each radian is equal to 180 / pi degrees, or about 57.30 degrees. Since milli means thousandths, a milliradian is about 0.05730 degrees.

How can you use studio mode in your place?

no idea can somebody answer I NEED TO KNOW

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When would you use mode?

When you want to know which digit in the data appears the most

What kind of product is the Radian 80?

The Radian 80 is a convertible car seat which is suitable for use by children. It features a large amount of padding and may be used either front facing, or rear facing.

Are angles measured in just degrees?

No. There are several systems of measurement. The classical one is degree, where 360 degrees correspond to a full circle, and a right angle has 90°. One degree is subdivided into 60 minutes, each minute in turn is subdivided in 60 seconds. Mathematicians like to measure angles in radian. A full circle corresponds to 2 pi radian, where pi=3.1415..., and so a right angle corresponds to pi/2. In some technical applications they use gon where a right angle is measured as 100 gon.

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Why do you use a mode?