before two alternators can be connected in parallel, the output voltage of the two machines should be the same, the phase rotation of the machines must be the same, and the output voltages of the two machines must be in phase.
Input and output (of energy)
It is -7.
Write them as decimals, and compare. If the first digit of two numbers is equal, compare the second digit; if the second digit is equal, compare the third digit, etc.
convert numbers
before two alternators can be connected in parallel, the output voltage of the two machines should be the same, the phase rotation of the machines must be the same, and the output voltages of the two machines must be in phase.
compare the two stroke and four stroke engine in power output and thermal efficiency?
You can compare their magnitude (absolute values) but not the numbers themselves.
Input and output (of energy)
The answer is the quantity of the two numbers
The ratio between the two is called the efficiency.
Rewriting the fractional part of the two numbers as a percentage, can help you compare the two numbers.
To "compare" usually means to find out which of two numbers is bigger, if any.
Only 2
You can compare them by looking at them (they are the same)subtracting one from the other (answer = 0)dividing one by the other (the quotient is 1).
Finding the difference between two numbers involves rationalising them