If the fractions do not all have the same denominator, find a common multiple of the denominators (ideally the lowest common multiple) and convert the fractions to equivalent fractions with this denominator.
Now with all the fractions with the same denominator, add together the numerators.
Finally, reduce the fraction to simplest terms, converting any improper fraction to a mixed number.
the sum the sum
I have no idea what the "sum" of a fraction means.
the answer is 0
if you are adding two fractions that are both greater than 1/2, what must be true about the sum?
The sum of a whole number and a fraction is called a mixed number.
The same way that you calculate the average for any other numbers. Sum the fractions and divide the total by the number of fractions.
the sum the sum
The same way you calculate averages with whole numbers: Add up all the fractions and divide by the number of fractions there are.
To determine whether the sum of two fractions with a common denominator is greater than, less than, or equal to 1, you need to add the numerators of the fractions together and compare the result to the common denominator. If the sum of the numerators is greater than the denominator, the sum of the fractions will be greater than 1. If the sum of the numerators is less than the denominator, the sum of the fractions will be less than 1. If the sum of the numerators is equal to the denominator, the sum of the fractions will be equal to 1.
The answer to an addition is called the sum. Fractions and other numbers.
If I had some fractions, I might. But since I don't, I won't.
They will sum to the denominator.
There are infinitely many different ways to make groups of fractions that sum to 1.
The sum of two fractions will be equal to one when the numerator and the denominator of their sum are the same. Example: 1/3 + 2/3 = 3/3 or 1
That their sum is always equal to the denominator.
I have no idea what the "sum" of a fraction means.
A good comparison is the percentage error.