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Imagine the corner points of the hexagon are numbered 1,3,5,7,9,11 and the mid-point of the edges are numbered 2,4,6,8,10 and 12 correctly in order between the points - pretty much like numbers on a clock.

Draw a line from mid-point 12 to mid-point 6 and then draw another line from corner point 3 to corner point 9.

This should divide the hexagon into 4 identical pieces.

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Q: How do you divide a hexagon into four?
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There are four diagonal lines in a hexagon.

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It is possible to divide a hexagon into 4 or more - up to infinitely many - triangles.

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No. A hexagon has 6 sides and 6 vertices (angles). A polygon with four sides and four angles is a quadrilateral.

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The fraction “four-sixths” would mean “four triangles,” because one-sixth of the hexagon is a triangle.

How is a hexagon and a rectangle diferint?

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Is a hexagon a rectangle?

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