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For a 2x2 matrix, with elements a, b, c and , the determinant is ad - bc.

However, for larger matrices it is more complicated. It would have been neater to illustrate this if I could use subscripts but the browser that we are required to use is pretty basic and therefore rubbish!

Suppose the elements of an n*n matrix are x(i,j) where i is the row and j is the column. Consider the product x(1, j1)*x(2,j2)*...*x(n,jn) where all the all the js are different. [This is the product of n elements of the matrix such that there is one element from each row and one from each column.] There are n! = n*(n-1)*...*2*1 such terms.

Now swap pairs of these term so that the js are in ascending order. For each swap, change the sign of the term so a term requiring an odd number of swaps will have a negative sign and one requiring an even number (including 0 swaps) will be positive.

Add these terms together.

The following is an illustration for a 3x3 matrix. The 3! = 3*2*1 = 6 terms are:

t1 = x(1,1)*x(2,2)*x(3,3)

t2 = x(1,1)*x(2,3)*x(3,2) = - x(1,1)*x(3,2)*x(2,3) swap second and third

t3 = x(1,2)*x(2,1)*x(3,3) = - x(2,1)*x(1,2)*x(3,3) swap first and second

t4 = x(1,2)*x(2,3)*x(3,1) = x(3,1)*x(1,2)*x(2,3) swap first and third, swap second and new third

t5 = x(1,3)*x(2,1)*x(3,2) = x(2,1)*x(3,2)*x(1,3) swap first and second, swap new second and third

t6 = x(1,3)*x(2,2)*x(3,1) = - x(3,1)*x(2,2)*x(1,3) swap first and third.

The determinant is t1+t2+t3+t4+t5+t6

= x(1,1)*x(2,2)*x(3,3) - x(1,1)*x(3,2)*x(2,3) - x(2,1)*x(1,2)*x(3,3) + x(3,1)*x(1,2)*x(2,3) + x(2,1)*x(3,2)*x(1,3) - x(3,1)*x(2,2)*x(1,3)

Group theory ensures that the order in which you do the swaps and the parity (odd or even number) is determined by the order of the js and so fixed for each of these terms. Half the terms will be positive and half negative.

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Q: How do you find a determinant of a square matrix in maths?
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What is inverse of 2x2 matrix A can you find the inverse of any given matrix?

The inverse of a 2x2 matrix:[a b][c d]is given by__1___[d -b]ad - bc [-c a]ad - bc is the determinant of the matrix; if this is 0 the matrix has no inverse.The inverse of a 2x2 matrix is also a 2x2 matrix.The browser used here is not really suitable to give details of the inverse of a general matrix.Non-singular square matrices have inverses and they can always be found. Singular, or non-square matrices do not have a proper inverses but canonical inverses for these do exist.

How do you find original matrix from its inverse matrix?

To find the original matrix of an inverted matrix, simply invert it again. Consider A^-1^-1 = A^1 = A

Where can you find best maths site? is the best site for maths.

What is the first step to solving problems in math?

First, you use proper English and say maths, then you have to find the problem eg if I'm finding the area of a square I would have to find out the equation to find the area. If you can find how the method of solving it the rest is easy!

How do you find inverse of a matrix in Casio fx-991MS scientific calculators?

To find the inverse of a matrix on a Casio fx-991MS scientific calculator, you first need to input the matrix you want to find the inverse of. Then, press the "SHIFT" button followed by the "MODE" button to access the matrix mode. Select the matrix you want to invert by pressing the corresponding number key. Next, press the "SHIFT" button followed by the "MATRIX" button, and then press the "x^-1" button to calculate the inverse of the matrix.

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To find the determinant of a matrix on a Casio fx-991MS calculator, you first need to enter the matrix into the calculator using the matrix mode. Then, navigate to the matrix menu and select the matrix you want to find the determinant of. Finally, choose the option to calculate the determinant, and the calculator will display the result. Remember that the determinant of a matrix is a scalar value that represents certain properties of the matrix.

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For a matrix A, A is read as determinant of A and not, as modulus of A. ... sum of two or more elements, then the given determinant can be expressed as the sum

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A single math equation does not have a determinant. A system of equations (3x3 , 4x4, etc.) will have a determinant. You can find a determinant of a system by converting the system into a corresponding matrix and finding its determinant.

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It isn't clear what you want to solve for. If you want to find the matrix, there is not a unique solution - there are infinitely many matrices with the same determinant.

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There is no easy way to find the determinant; it's long and tedious. There are computer programs available (like MATLAB) that will find the determinant. You'll find there probably won't be a large matrix in an exam if you're required to find the determinant.

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If it a 2x2 matrix, the determinant is 3*a - (-2)*5 = 3a + 10 = 7 So 3a = -3 so a = -1

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A determinant is defined for square matrices only.To find the determinant of the matrix you need to:find all n-tuples of elements of the matrix such that each row and each column of the matrix is represented.calculate the product of the elements.calculate the sign for that term. To see how this is done, see below.calculate the sum of the signed products: that is the determinant.To calculate the sign for the product of the n-tuple, arrange the elements in row order. Swap the elements, two at a time, to get them in column order. If the number of swaps required is even then the product is assigned a positive sign, and if odd then a negative sign.

What is the determinant of a matrix?

A determinant is defined for square matrices only.To find the determinant of the matrix you need to:find all n-tuples of elements of the matrix such that each row and each column of the matrix is represented.calculate the product of the elements.calculate the sign for that term. To see how this is done, see below.calculate the sum of the signed products: that is the determinant.To calculate the sign for the product of the n-tuple, arrange the elements in row order. Swap the elements, two at a time, to get them in column order. If the number of swaps required is even then the product is assigned a positive sign, and if odd then a negative sign.

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Assuming that the terms, a and AA, are commutative, It is 1 + a^3 + (AA)^3 - 3aAA

What is inverse of 2x2 matrix A can you find the inverse of any given matrix?

The inverse of a 2x2 matrix:[a b][c d]is given by__1___[d -b]ad - bc [-c a]ad - bc is the determinant of the matrix; if this is 0 the matrix has no inverse.The inverse of a 2x2 matrix is also a 2x2 matrix.The browser used here is not really suitable to give details of the inverse of a general matrix.Non-singular square matrices have inverses and they can always be found. Singular, or non-square matrices do not have a proper inverses but canonical inverses for these do exist.

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A non-square matrix cannot be inverted.