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To get the perimeter, you need to add all three sides. I assume you can get the third side by inserting the numbers you know into Heron's formula.

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Q: How do you find the perimeter of a scalene triangle when you only know two sides and the area?
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How do you find the lateral area of a scalene triangle without the height?

only solids have "lateral area". triangles have "area". the area of a scalene triangle is given by heron's formula. height not needed.

What is the area of an equilateral triangle that has a perimeter of 71 feet?

Find the area of an equilateral triangle if its perimeter is 18 ft

What is the perimeter of a triangle that has a area of 6.5 cm?

The minimum perimeter is when the triangle is an equilateral triangle. The perimeter of any other triangle with the same area will be longer. In the case of an equilateral triangle area = (√3)/4 × side² → side = √(4×6.5 cm²/√3) → perimeter = 3 × side = 3 × √(4×6.5 cm²/√3) ≈ 11.62 cm → The triangle has a perimeter greater than or equal to approx 11.62 cm.

Formula of a rectangle?

There is no formula for a rectangle. There are formula for calculating its area, perimeter or length of diagonals from its sides, or it is possible to calculate the length of one pair of sides given the other sides and the area or perimeter, or the two lots of sides given area and perimeter and so on.

Can you calculate the area if you know the perimeter?

No, you can not calculate an area if you know just the perimeter. For example, rectangle with sides of 10 and 20 would have a perimeter of 60 and an area of 200, but a square of sides 15 would have a perimeter of 60 and an area of 225. You need to know more details about the shape than just the perimeter.

Related questions

What is the measure of an scalene triangle?

There are at least 8 different "measures" that we can think of for any triangle: three sides, three angles, a perimeter, and an area. We can't guess which one you're looking for. A 'scalene' triangle is simply any triangle in which no two sides are the same length. That fact doesn't help us.

How do you work out the area of a scalene triangle?

The area of any triangle has the same formula, which is base times height, divided by 2. A scalene triangle is a triangle with three sides of unequal length, which is not important when calculating the area.

How are an equilateral triangle and a scalene triangle a like?

They both have 3 sides They both have 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees They both have no diagonals They both have a perimeter which is the sum of their 3 sides They both will tessellate They both have an area which is 0.5*base*height

What is the perimeter of a scalene triangle?

The perimeter is the distance around the outside edge. It can be anything on a scalene triangle, there are no constraints except it must be bigger than zero. you can work out the area using the formula half the base times the perpendicular height. This works on all triangles

What is the relation between perimeter and triangle area?

If you double (2 times) the perimeter the area will will be 4 times larger. Therefore the area is proportional to the square of the perimeter or the perimeter is proportional to the square root of area. The relationship as shown above applies only to triangles with similar proportions, that is when you scale up or down any triangle of fixed proportions. Other than that requirement, there is no relationship between perimeter and area of any shape of triangle except that it can be stated that the area will be maximum when the sides are of equal length (sides = 1/3 of perimeter).

How do l work out the area of a the perimeter of a triangle?

add up the length of all the sides

How do you measure triangle?

It depends on what you wish to measure: the lengths of sides, the angles, the area, the perimeter.

What is the area and perimeter of triangle?

to find the area of a triangle you divide the base of the triangle by two and multiply your answer by the height .so your formula would be 1/2b times h to find the perimeter of a triangle u simply just add the sides.

Find the area of a triangle that has a perimeter of 21 inches?

I need to know more about the triangle, such as one or 2 of the angles, whether it is isosceles or equilateral, or whether the lengths share a certain ratio. For example, a triangle of sides 8,8 and 5 (perimeter of 21) will surely have a different area as compared to a triangle of sides 7,7 and 7 (perimeter of 21 as well)

How do you get te area of a scalene?

Area of a scalene triangle: 0.5*base*perpendicular height

How do you work out the area of a hexagon?

the Regular hexagon : Area=(1/2)*(radius of the inscribed circle)*perimeter units2 The irregular hexagon : Area can be computed by the scalene triangle method. from one of the points to the other vertexes,you get 3 diagonals and hence three scalene triangle. hence use the area of a scalene triangle=sqrt(s (s - s1) (s - s2) (s - s3)) units2 where s=(s1+s2+s3)/2

Sides of traingle giving equal permeter and area?

I am assuming that "traingle" is meant to be triangle and "permeter" is meant to be perimeter.The area of a triangle cannot be equal to its perimeter because the area is a measure in 2-dimensional space whereas a perimeter is a 1-dimensional measure. So their dimensions will always be different.Furthermore, the area of a triangle is not determined by its perimeter. The area of a triangle can be changed - without affecting its perimeter - simply by changing the angles.