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The radius is half diameter, so in your case the radius would be 1.5 inches.

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Q: How do you find the radius if you know the diameter is 3 inches?
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How do you find the circumference of a circle if you know the radius?

Multiply the radius by 2 to get the diameter. Then multiply the diameter by pi to get the circumference. Example: If radius = 2 inches, diameter = 4 inches circumference = 4 x pi = 4 (3.1416) or about 12.57 inches

How do you find the diameter of a circle when you know the radius?

Diameter = 2*Radius

If the radius of a circle is 10 inches what is the diameter?

The radius is half the diameter. The diameter is twice the radius. If the radius is 10 inches, the diameter is twice that, or 20 inches. The radius is any straight line that connects a point on the circle with it's center. The diameter is a line segment that connects two points on a cirle throught the center of the circle.Answer:Let r be the radius of the circle and d be the diameter of the circle. We know that the diameter = 2 * radius of the circle. Given the radius r = 10 inches. Diameter d = 2 * 10 Diameter = 20 inches.

Is you know the radius how do you get the diameter?

To find the diameter, you just multiply the radius by two.

How do you find the radius if you know the endpoints of the diameter?

Radius is 1/2 of the diameter.

Find the radius if you know the diameter?

The radius is exactly 1/2 of the diameter.

How do you find the diameter of a circle if you know the radius?

Multiply by two. The diameter is twice the radius.

How can you find the radius if you know the diameter?

The radius is half of the diameter so you divide the diameter in half. (divide by 2) If your trying to find the diameter if you have the radius you double it (multiply by 2)

How do you find the diameter if you know the radius?

Just double the radius. the diameter is twice the length. So if they radius is 5, then the diameter is 10.

Define radius of a circle?

In order to fully understand what the radius of a given circle is, you must know the diameter. The diameter is the distance across the circle through the center. The radius of a circle is half the diameter. For example, if the diameter of a circle is 8 inches, then the radius would be 4 inches.

How do you find the radius if you know the diameter?

You divide the diameter by two.

How do you find the radius and diameter of the circle if you know the area?

Area of Circle = pi (radius)2 So , using this formula we can find the radius and also the diameter. Diameter = 2(radius)