367,142 rounded to the nearest thousand is 367,000. 367,142 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 370,000.
Oh, what a lovely number! To round 374816 to the nearest ten thousand, we look at the digit in the ten thousand's place, which is 4. Since the digit to its right is 8, we round up, making 374816 rounded to the nearest ten thousand equal to 380000. Just a little adjustment to make our number feel cozy and snug.
94085 rounded to the nearest thousand is 94000look at the hundreds column and if it is more than 5 then round the thousands number up, if it is 4 or less then round the number down.in this case, the 0 is less than 4 and therefore we round down and keep 4 at 4
Well, darling, rounding 5949 to the nearest thousand means looking at the hundreds place, which is 9. Since 9 is greater than 5, you round up. So, 5949 rounded to the nearest thousand is 6000. Hope that clears things up for ya!
When rounding to the nearest thousand, half round up and half round down.Half of 1000 is 500 → numbers that are 8000 ± 500, that is 7500 to 8500 will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000.However, numbers half way by convention round up and 8500 is half way between 8000 & 9000 and so would round up to 9000.Thus numbers greater than or equal to 7500 and less than 8500 will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000.Therefore the largest whole number that will round to 8000 to the nearest 1000 is 8499.
To the nearest ten thousand, it is zero.
To round 1354029 to the nearest thousand, we look at the hundreds place, which is 5 in this case. Since 5 is equal to or greater than 5, we round up. Therefore, the nearest thousand to 1354029 is 1355000.
367,142 rounded to the nearest thousand is 367,000. 367,142 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 370,000.
To round off to the nearest hundred thousand, we look in the ten thousands column (the coluumn to the right of what we're trying to round to). Since there's a 4 in the ten thousands column, we will round down to get to the nearest hundred thousand. 798600000
Well, honey, 24,536 rounded to the nearest thousand is 25,000. I mean, it's not rocket science, but I guess I can see how some folks might need a little help with that. Just remember, math is your friend, darling.
Oh, what a lovely number! To round 374816 to the nearest ten thousand, we look at the digit in the ten thousand's place, which is 4. Since the digit to its right is 8, we round up, making 374816 rounded to the nearest ten thousand equal to 380000. Just a little adjustment to make our number feel cozy and snug.
The 4 in the ten thousand position causes a round down to give 72400000 as the answer.
To round 9420000 to the nearest ten thousand, we look at the digit in the ten thousand's place, which is 4. Since the digit to the right of 4 is 2, which is less than 5, we do not need to round up. Therefore, 9420000 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 9420000.
94085 rounded to the nearest thousand is 94000look at the hundreds column and if it is more than 5 then round the thousands number up, if it is 4 or less then round the number down.in this case, the 0 is less than 4 and therefore we round down and keep 4 at 4
As the digit in the thousands position is a 4, we round down to give 20000 as the answer.