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Gradients can be worked out by: 1. gradient formula, suppose the two points are (x1,y1); (x2,y2) then the gradient=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) 2. rise/run Intercepts can be found by: 1. to find the x-intercept substitute y=0 into the equation of the line 2. to find the y-intercept substitute x=0 into the equation of the line

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Q: How do you work out gradients and intercepts?
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How do you work out the x and y intercepts?


What are concentration gradients?

Concentration gradients is a solutes. This is used in the body.

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A circle can have 0, 1, or 2 x-intercepts and 0,1, or 2 y-intercepts, bringing the total to 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 intercepts.

How do concentration gradients work?

i surpose if you have something to fiddle with then youue will be able to concentrate mre x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx jelly_bean xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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The vertex must be half way between the two x intercepts

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tangant of circle intercepts it only on one point. In real the point where tangent meets the circle and intercepts it are same

What is the x coordinate for all y-intercepts?

The x coordinate for all y intercepts is 0, just as the y coordinate for all x intercepts is 0.

For which values does the cosecent functions have x intercepts?

The cosecant function, being defined as 1÷sin(x), has no x intercepts. It has y intercepts at ±∞. (infinity and -infinity)

How do you work out x and y intercepts?

y=ax+b b=y intercept to find the x-intercept, get x alone on one side and plug 0 in for y when you are trying to find gradients and intercepts in Maths. There are 3 easy ways to do this 1) Firstly, measure how much the line goes across from the y axis 2) Then measure how much it goes down(which will be a negative number) or up(which will be a positive answer). 3) Finally add the two numbers together to find the gradient then the equation should go like y=(the gradient) with x and the intercept(when it hits the y axis)