To convert a percentage to decimal form divide by 100: 425% = 425 / 100 = 4.25
425 and 32 thousandths (425.032) in standard form is 4.25032 × 102
425/100 = 17/4
Write 1.98 million is 1,980,000
I would write it as 2.06 million - exactly as in the question.
The standard form is 425,370,000,000
425 million in Scientific Notation = 4.25 x 1085.6 x 107
4236425 would be written 4 million, 236 thousand, 425 in short form.
the land has separated and some have expanded over the 425 million year span
To convert a percentage to decimal form divide by 100: 425% = 425 / 100 = 4.25
425 million
Cuatrocientos veinticinco