To make a fraction into a decimal you are going to divide the denominator into the numerator. Use long division. See the example below.
2 goes into 1 0 times. so you get 0.
then you carry the 1 down and it becomes 1.0 and 2 goes into 1.0 five times. so then you get .5. Use the rules for long division including decimals.
you write a decimal in fraction by example: 12/100 it is read as twelve hundredths as decimal is 0.12 or .12.
210% = 2.1 as a decimal and 21/10 as a fraction
how do you write the Fraction as a decimal 1 over 12
A number expressed in decimal form usually is a fraction. It is simply a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. And, since it is a decimal fraction, there is not another simpler decimal form.
blank = representation.
Restate the question: If you can write a fraction as a decimal, can you write a decimal as a fraction?Yes.
That already is a decimal fraction.
As a fraction, you can write it as 8/10. As a decimal, you can write it as 0.8.
you write a decimal in fraction by example: 12/100 it is read as twelve hundredths as decimal is 0.12 or .12.
Convert the fraction into a decimal. Multiply the decimal by 100.
The decimal fraction for 3.588 would be 3.588/1000
a power of 10
write 0.64 as a fraction
As a decimal it is 0.85 as a fraction it is 17 over 20
210% = 2.1 as a decimal and 21/10 as a fraction
Fraction: 99/100 Decimal: 0.99