Unfortunately you cannot writ a sq. root symbol on the computer, so you could just say 'squared.'
There is no single square root button on a keyboard. You can sometimes get the square root symbol by holding down alt and pressing 2 then 5 then 1 (or alt + 251). If that doesn't work, you could copy and paste it. √ (that square root sign is from pressing alt + 251)
To type the square root symbol on ypur keyboard press and hold alt and type 251.
102 and then make 2 superscript on the font tab. Or, write 10^2 which is acceptable; you can find ^ as capital 6
square = τετράγωνο
1/2 A number, then the / button, then another number
You can if you put your mind to it.
teletti is word for 3 \ can't write it in arabic without arabic keyboard
once you have copied a symbol, you can get others by pressing F4 on the keyboard.
her deft fingers moved quickly over the keyboard as she typed.
It is a keyboard, not a keybored ! There is no square root button on a standard keyboard, but if you are bored, you can find out how to program a key and get one of the keys to be your square root key.
how to write keyboard notes of Malare song of Premam movie
To write in Malayalam in Microsoft Works Word Processor, you can enable the Malayalam keyboard layout on your computer. Go to Control Panel > Clock, Language, and Region > Change keyboards or other input methods > Change keyboards. Click on "Add" and select the Malayalam keyboard layout. Then, you can switch to the Malayalam keyboard while typing in Microsoft Works Word Processor.
they are useful tob write with you get different types some which relax your hand you can type in word
It is familiar with a word user if there is a keyboard.
Type CO then 2, highlight the 2 in MS Word > Format > Font > Subscript Done
The compound word is "disjointedkeyboardappealinganother."
there are two syllables in the word keyboard :)