9.72 seconds is a measure of time. I cannot be converted to a measure of speed.
23.7 mph
Approx 16.17 mph.
About 163 mph
13 mph
An average speed of approx 10.9 mph.
1000 meters in 60.6 seconds = 36.91 mph
10.7 mph
23.7 mph
Approx 18.56 mph.
About 638 mph
their top speed is 253 mph . it can go from 0 to 185 mph in seventeen seconds .
Approx 16.17 mph.
125.58 mph
Ford Mustang Cobra Jet can do 0-60 mph in 1.52 seconds, 0-100 mph in 3.26 seconds
177.273 mph (rounded)
0-60 mph in 3.5 seconds. 0-100 mph in 7.6 seconds Quarter mile: 11.6 sec @ 126 mph Top speed: 202 mph